Top > International Mail > Overseas postcodes

International Mail

Overseas postcodes

This page contains the digit numbers of postal codes and other information for major countries.

The U.S. and EU member countries in particular require that the postal code be entered. Therefore, when creating labels on the International Mail My Page Service, we recommend that the recipient postal code be entered. Please note that if the postal code is not entered, there may be delays of postal items per the customs authority of the destination country/territory.

Please refer here to see how to enter the postal code.

For countries with links in this list, click on the country to search for the postal code on the post office website of the selected country.

Please note that overseas post offices may change their addresses or update their search pages without notice. Links may therefore be broken and search methods may not be current. Your understanding would be appreciated.

Country Search Method postal code type
(digits, characters)
Country Search Method postal code type
(digits, characters)
Iceland PDF 3 digits Example: 110 Czech Republic PDF 5 digits, with a space between 3rd and 4th digits Example: 160 00
Ireland - 7 alphanumeric characters called Eircode
Example: T37 F8HK
Denmark PDF 4 digits Example: 2300
Italy PDF 5 digits Example: 00184 Germany PDF 5 digits Example: 10115
United Kingdom PDF Between 5 and 7 alphanumeric characters
Example: E4 9RT, CR0 3RL, EC1Y 8SY
Norway PDF 4 digits Example: 0352
Estonia PDF 5 digits Example: 69501 Hungary - 4 digits Example: 1011
Australia PDF 4 digits Example: 2060 Finland PDF 5 digits preceded by "FI" Example: FI-00100
Austria - 4 digits Example: 1120 France PDF 5 digits Example: 75001
Netherlands PDF 6 alphanumeric characters (4 digits and 2 letters, with a space between the digits and the letters)
Example: 1071 DJ
Bulgaria - 4 digits Example: 1278
Korea PDF 5 digits Example: 01000 United States of America PDF 9 digits, a hyphen between 5th and 6th digits Example: 20001-1234
Cyprus - 4 digits preceded by "CY" Example: CY-2008 Belgium PDF 4 digits Example: 1050
Greece - 5 digits, with a space between the 3rd and 4th digits Example: 104 32 Poland PDF 5 digits, a dash between 2nd and 3rd digits Example: 02-502
Croatia - 5 digits preceded by "HR" Example: HR-10000 Portugal PDF 7 digits, a dash between the 4th and 5th digits Example: 1300-016
Singapore PDF 6 digits Example: 546080 Malta - 7 alphanumeric characters, with a space between letters and digits Example: RBT 6023
Switzerland PDF 4 digits Example: 3008 Latvia - 4 digits preceded by "LV-" Example: LV-1000
Sweden PDF 5 digits, with a space between 3rd and 4th digits preceded by "SE" Example: SE-111 81 Lithuania - 5 digits preceded by "LT-" Example: LT-04340
Spain PDF 5 digits Example: 28021 Liechtenstein PDF 4 digits Example: 9485
Slovakia PDF 5 digits, with a space between the 3rd and 4th digits Example: 810 00 Romania - 6 digits Example: 013696
Slovenia - 4 digits Example: 1000 Luxembourg PDF 4 digits preceded by "L-" Example: L-1234
China PDF 6 digits Example: 853012      

How to enter the postal code

When entering the postal code of the recipient in the International Mail My Page Service, please input it in the Postal code field of the recipient's information. Please note that the postal code may be in a line of the address as in the example.

International Mail My Page Service

Example of address in Switzerland

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